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Company Enrollment
An alternative to the one-year subscription is the RAPIDGate-90 Option. It allows a participant 90-day access.
The RAPIDGate-Enterprise Option allows your employees to access multiple facilities using a single RAPIDGate Credential. Once your company is participating at its first facility, you can add additional facilities.
The RAPIDGate program from Fortior Solutions, provides a credential for vendors, suppliers, service providers, and contractors that require access to participating installations. Participation is voluntary.
In response to federal security directives, government facilities are continuing to strengthen security procedures for facility access. To maintain and improve business relations with vendors and contractors, facilities are implementing the RAPIDGate program to manage and streamline secure access.
The RAPIDGate-90 Option is available for participants who need short-term access to facilities. This option offers participants access up to 90 days.
An independent contractor/sole proprietor (IC/SP) is a one-person business that has not established a formal business entity. This person is “self-employed” (i.e., not employed by any other business, person, or entity) and enrollee does not have any additional participants that may need facility access. Once enrolled the participant acts as the RAPIDGate Company Administrator (RCA) on the account.
Note: IC/SP participants are eligible for the Standard, RG-90, and Enterprise Options.
A Tenant Sponsor is a point of contact located at the facility that can verify your company has legitimate business. A Tenant Sponsor’s Organization is a Sponsor’s specific organization or department, not the facility name or branch (e.g., commissary, CGX).
The ACL (Approved Company List) is a list of companies pre-approved to participate in the RAPIDGate program. If your company is not on the ACL, Fortior Solutions will send an email request to the appropriate sponsoring authority requesting approval for the company to enroll in the program.
Yes. Each company needs to be registered under their own company name.
The process usually takes from 1-3 weeks to be completed.
The RAPIDGate program can save your company time and money:
- Shorter wait times to access the facility = lower costs and better customer service
- Consistency in access procedures
- Virtually eliminates trips to Pass and ID Offices or Visitor Center for your employees
- Access for up to a year
- RAPIDGate Enterprise option allows your employees to access multiple facilities using a single RAPIDGate Credential.
The RAPIDGate Program pertains to people not vehicles. Refer to the installation’s policies and procedures on decals and other possible requirements.
Yes! If you need access to additional facilities, just fill out the RAPIDGate online enrollment form as an “Existing Customer.”
Your sponsor will be your military or government contact at the facility that can confirm that you have legitimate business to conduct at the facility.
If you are still unsure who your tenant sponsor is, talk with the military or government contact with whom you do business. Ask if they are able to sponsor your RAPIDGate program company enrollment or if they can refer you to someone who can.
Company Fees | Hawaii | |
RAPIDGate Annual | $199 | $208.38 |
RAPIDGate Annual Second Facility | $50 | $52.36 |
Employee Fees | Hawaii | |
RAPIDGate Annual | $179 | $187.43 |
RAPIDGate Annual Second Facility | $75 | $78.53 |
RAPIDGate 90 | $79 | $82.72 |
RAPIDGate 90 Second Facility | $20 | $20.94 |
Credential Management Fee | $40 | $41.88 |
For each participant:
- RAPIDGate Program: 1 Year/1 Facility = $179
- RAPIDGate-Enterprise Option: 1 Year/Unlimited Facilities = $254
- RAPIDGate-90 Option: 90 Days/1 Facility = $79
- RAPIDGate-90 Option: 90 Days/Unlimited Facilities = $99
- Credential Management Fee: $40
Applicable taxes and surcharges apply for Hawaii. Note: Company fee is waived for Independent Contractors/Sole Proprietors (ICSP). If a participant is without authorized service for more than 90 days, their RAPIDGate credential will be deactivated. Once a credential has been deactivated, it cannot be reactivated. A new credential may be ordered for a fee of $40.
To access additional installations, your company will need to submit a Company Enrollment Form for each additional installation.
Follow the steps on our company enrollment page to enroll in the RAPIDGate for Vendors program.