
Facility security.

Verify individuals anytime, anywhere.

Without the right tools and information, access eligibility is a guessing game. Relying on visual inspection of IDs, physical guest lists or just plain memory is no longer adequate. These outdated security practices leave facilities vulnerable. What’s more, they create delays for visitors and frustrating user experiences.

Our wholistic approach gives you the power to know who your visitors are and who you’re working with, and provides the technology, resources and security intelligence to quickly verify individuals anytime, anywhere.

Facility Security – PRODUCTS & SERVICES

Group at facility concert. Photo link to Pond product.

Access to a network of safety and security intelligence that delivers awareness of higher-risk individuals, incidents and predictive crime analysis.

Pond Network

Abstract group entering facility. Photo link to RAPID-RCx product.

Innovative technology to verify visitors anytime, anywhere, with any ID.


Welders at Facility. Photo link to RAPIDGate product.

A complete vendor management solution that increases security and alleviates all the administrative burden of managing vendor access.


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