Waiver process.

Applying for a waiver.

In the event the information in the screening results were accurate, you may have the option to apply to the facility for a waiver.

Follow the steps below or download our Participant Vetting Guidebook for step-by-step instructions to the waiver process.

1. Obtain the ineligibility package

Obtain the ineligibility package from your company’s RAPIDGate Company Administrator (RCA), which will include:

  • Waiver Release Authorization Form
  • Instructions for writing a Letter of Good Standing

View a sample version of these documents →

NOTE: An ineligibility package must be completed for each facility an individual requires access to. The individual’s ineligibility notification will contain a waiver release authorization form for each facility on record.

2. Submit completed forms

3. RAPIDGate Support submits waiver packet to facility(ies)

4. Decision

Still need help?

If you have any questions, contact RAPIDGate Customer Support at 1.877.727.4342 or info@rapidgate.com.