Employee registration.
Preparation for successful registration
Before you begin registering, here are some items you will need to provide:
- Company code (if you don’t have this, contact your Company Administrator. Your company must be enrolled in the program before you can register).
- Personal information (e.g., full legal name , date of birth, social security number).
- Photo – you will take a photo during registration, either at the RAPIDGate registration station or using your device.
Additional important information:
- You must be at least 18 years of age to participate.
- The registration process will time out and restart after 3 minute(s) of inactivity.
- The entire process should take about 5-10 minutes to complete.
Click on the location icon (to the left) to find a list of participating facilities and registration information. Once the map opens, select a location icon to view additional facility details, including address and hours of operation.
Registration process.
Start Registration
User Agreement
Register Information
Credential Issuance
1. Start Registration
Use the above map to find registration information. Use the location icon to view the list of RAPIDGate locations and their hours of operation.
2. User Agreement
Agreement provided during registration at the registration station.
3. Registration Information
Enter Your Personal Information
- Registration Code
- Full Legal Name
- Social Security Number
- Date of Birth
- Email Address
- Home Address and Phone Number
- Primary Facility
Take Photograph
Scan Fingerprints (when registering at a RAPIDGate registration station)
4. Vetting Process
The vetting process may take up to three weeks and will include the following:
- Government database check and commercial background screening
- Identity validation
- Electronic database screening: ICE, INTERPOL, Registered Sex Offenders, Watch Lists, etc.
- County and federal criminal screenings
Have questions about the vetting process?
5. Credential Issuance
You will receive a notification email for credential issuance with directions on how to pick up the RAPIDGate credential.
What to expect: Allow a minimum of 15 minutes for issuance.
Identity Proofing: Bring two different forms of identification. Both must be originals and current, as expired or canceled documents are unacceptable. One document must have a photo.
NOTE: The Acceptable ID list page provides a complete list of accepted documents.
Avoiding Credential Issuance Delays: Many RAPIDGate® participants are unable to pick up their credentials on the first appointment because they bring the wrong identity-proofing documents. Save a trip and avoid a second appointment by providing the appropriate Acceptable Identification Documents. Make sure the identification documents you bring match the name you registered with!
To learn more, see the Name Matching Reference Guide.